Monday, August 2, 2010

Changing from Unsuccessful to Successful

Success and failure in life comes in every job or occupation—what one is doing isn’t in itself going to change an unsuccessful life into a successful one. How one performs, attacks or approaches life makes all the difference. Successful people have learned how to approach life in a certain way that puts them at a tremendous advantage—that is why they are successful. Unsuccessful people approach life in ways that put them at a disadvantage—not understanding that keeps them that way.

To escape an unsuccessful life and enter into a successful one—questions, not answers are first necessary.

*How am I approaching life and how is my approach hurting me more then helping?
*Do I understand that I am solely responsible for the position I find myself in?
*What changes can I make today that will begin the transformation of my life from unsuccessful to successful?
*How do successful people act and think and what can I do to emulate them?

Success is a term that has many definitions and you need to know how you define it in your own life. Without knowing what success is to you, you are in a race with no finish line—you have no idea where you are headed.

Look around you and notice who has in life the things you desire. It might be wealth, relationships, work ethic, character or something else. Whatever it is, figure out somebody to be a role model for you and start making changes in your life to bring you closer to the life you want.

Remember, success is not dependent on what we do (occupation) but it is very dependent on how we do things (process). From the little things (how I dress, how I walk, how approachable I appear) to the big things (how I work, how I learn, how I communicate, how I think) how I do things makes the biggest difference between success and failure.