Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Being A Real Super Hero

Isn’t it always a good feeling when you find something good in the world (be it an action, behavior, thought or idea) and then you see it again and again, soon after? I love it when this happens. You can only imagine how stoked I was when I bought this month’s issue of SUCCESS magazine and one of my major thoughts of the moment was the theme of the entire issue. The thoughts that I was having and the theme of the issue are both based on one of the most important pursuits of life (if not the most important): living your potential.

At many points in life I find myself wrestling with this concept and all that it entails. What am I capable of accomplishing? What is possible (as opposed to probable)? How great can I really be? These are all questions that bounce around in my head like ping-pong balls whenever the topic comes up. To start to answer these questions, I will leave it to Thomas Edison who once said, “If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.”

The unfortunate thing about this is that most of us spend most of our lives doing less then we are capable of. It stinks to admit it but I, more often then not, am one of these people. This is something that I am going to actively start working on in all areas of my life, today. I am going to get to work on being a better father, husband, friend and employee. For me that means I have to be more goal oriented- writing down my specific goals and then accomplishing them, checking them off as if they were a grocery list.

One of my mentors once wrote to me not long ago, “We are super heroes. Every one of us. We all have basic powers that at times of fear, joy, desperation, whatever…is off the charts. Some of us don’t realize that we have them. Some of us choose to ignore them. Some of us are told to suppress them. But we all have them. To be an effective hero, one must be consistent in their deployment of their power.” I hope that you can see that this directly applies to living our potential. When we are consistently displaying our power…day in and day out…we are living the life of a real super hero.

Our individual power may not be super flashy and incredible like Superman but remember that Batman is still a super hero and he was a normal guy, just like you and me.

What is one thing that you can do today and everyday that will help take you one step closer to living your potential? Please feel free to leave a comment and share with me your action…no matter how big or small it is.