Saturday, May 22, 2010

Napoleon Hill: “Thoughts are Things”

I have been reading Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and it really has a ton of great information in it. Being that it was written in 1937, I am sure that at the time it was groundbreaking stuff but what amazes me is that the principles and ideas contained in it are still greatly important today.

The book details 13 steps to riches but the first chapter, which isn’t one of the thirteen steps, might be the most important part of the whole book. He begins with “thoughts are things” and that single idea sets the stage for his following 13 steps. It is so powerful and yet so rare in today’s world. Many people seem to think that the answers they are seeking in life can only come from outside sources and don’t even consider that they may come from inside their own mind.

Hill writes, “As you read, the answer you may be seeking to the questions which have caused you to ponder over the strangeness of life may be found in you your own mind, through some idea, plan or purpose, which may spring into you mind as you read.” How awesome is this concept? This statement to me says so much to the power of the individual and how we have the ability to change our life if we so choose.

I will not read this book and forget about it. I will read it, re-read it, study it and file it in my brain housing group as long as I live. I will also share the information that I learn with those that are seeking it. The information is simply too important to the world to keep it to myself and not share it.

Truly, thoughts are things and our thoughts lead to our feelings which lead to our actions. What is a thought that you will choose to have today to make tomorrow be better then yesterday? After all, today is the only thing that can make tomorrow be different from yesterday.

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