Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Attitude and the "Awesome Scale"

It’s been quite a while since my last post and so many great things have happened during that time. A big reason why things have gone so well is because I have started overcoming the greatest obstacle in my life—myself.

For such a long time I believed that everybody else was part of the problem and I was part of the solution and nothing seemed to make sense to me. I understand now that I was the problem and only I can be the solution. What I was doing wrong was choosing not to admit my failures and I was choosing not to find a solution. I can see now why things made no sense to me—my perception of life was way off.

During this time away I’ve come to realize and really know that I am the only person that can make a difference in my life. If I want different results, I must change my actions. If I want to change my actions, I must change my feelings. If I want to change my feelings, I must change my thoughts. If I want to change my thoughts, I must change my programming. I know for certain that I can’t make a difference in the world if I don’t first make a difference in my life.

Realizing all of this, I have decided to start making some major changes in my life. The first area that will make a big difference is my attitude. I am now a big believer in using the “Awesome Scale” to view things in my life. The “Awesome Scale” states that everything that happens to me is awesome; the only thing that changes is the percent of awesomeness. Great, fantastic or wonderful things that happen to me sit on the 90-100% area of the scale. Unfortunate and not necessarily happy things that occur sit at the .01-10% area of the scale. The key is to realize that no matter how tough things are, they are still awesome because I can make the choice to overcome these obstacles and make them a learning experience. If things are tough in life but you are able to learn from it, that’s awesome and we can always learn something form every experience in life.

Positive change isn’t necessarily an easy thing to accomplish in life and I recognize this. What makes it much easier is knowing that if I am not where I want to be, I have to change the things in my life that aren’t working and do things that do work. For me, this starts with my attitude and it’s made a big difference already. Ultimately I know that in order to accomplish great things in life, I need to possess a great attitude. With a poor to mediocre attitude I will only be able to accomplish poor to mediocre things in life---and that is not awesome enough for me.

I’ve stated that my attitude was one of the things that were part of my problem and not part of my solution. What is something in your life that you know is part of the problem that can be changed to being part of the solution? Feel free to comment and let me know what you think.

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