Saturday, April 10, 2010

Have a Youthful Enthusiasm For Life

Today is a great day. Usually I am not a beacon of shining happiness and joy but I stand by my statement. I have much to be thankful for and I have been incredibly blessed and lucky to live the life I do. As a result of the life I have--today is a great day and my goal today is to make tomorrow even better.

I very much dislike people that exude a false sense of positivity and happiness. I can see through their lies a mile away and their words prove their hypocrisy. I don't necessarily think they are that way on purpose but I think its more of a result of not being able to distance themselves from the negative forces in life. I am done with the negative forces in my life--they don't help me and I don't want to be around them. From here on out, if anything or anyone is slowly sucking the life out of me, I'm going to hack it out of my life and throw it to the curb like garbage.

This is my first step--a desire for positive growth and an elimination of negative forces. It is my goal today to see only the positive things in life and work towards making them have more of a role in my day to day life.

My son's youthful enthusiasm for life is a positive thing that I need to incorporate into my daily life. I am going to start looking and living life like he does, enjoying the little things and not wasting one second worrying about things I can't control. What is something that positive that you can incorporate into yours? Feel free to comment and let me know.

1 comment:

  1. I agree... Our children's enthusiasm and innocent joy is one of the best things we can try to incorporate into our own lives... not being childISH, but childLIKE. Children throw themselves with everything they've got into whatever they are doing, but they also know how to step back and enjoy the beauty of the simple things... whether it's a worm crawling around the dirt, a thunderstorm approaching, a flower blooming, etc., snowflakes, etc... Somehow, they balance all their boundless energy and enthusiasm with the ability to recognize the beauty in the simplest things. The freedom of innocence and the enthusiasm and energy of pure joy.... this is something from which we can all learn-- again.
